• A Day at…

    Paestum, a Paestum breakfast then — the temples, a swim, the archaeological museum and (if we’re not too tired) the Paestum Festival

    9:00: Breakfast out at Vannulo’s, famous for its buffalos and breakfast (with buffalo milk cappucini and yoghurt, home-made pastries, and fruit drinks. This is a very rich breakfast but delicious!

    Vannulo yogurt

    Vannulo yogurt

    10:30: – 1:00 We explore ancient Paestum together and students sketch one of its amazing temples. Spotlight: Paestum  the Doric Order: columns, temples,  statues … lecture, discussion, and sketching/collage session

    1.00 – 4:00: picnic lunch and we relax at one of the beautiful Paestum beaches with little markets and cafes. 

    4:30 – 6:3o: the Paestum Archaeological museum, which adds so much to our understanding of the ancient Greek city.

    7:00 – 9:00: we drive around the ancient 6th century Greek walls, see the city gates, and have dinner in a nearby Paestum restaurant.

    9:00: if we are not too tired (usually we are not!) , we attend an event at the Paestum Festivals. Otherwise, we just have ice cream at the temples, illuminated at night with beautiful lights.


    Local Paestum vase painting

    Local Paestum vase painting


    Tomb of the diver (famous ancient Greek painting)

    Tomb of the diver (famous ancient Greek painting)



    Paestum festival

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